
Innovation: Raison d’être of chemical industry or old wine in new bottles?

Innovation has become a long-term driver of financial performance and value creation in the chemical industry, and it can provide enormous competitive advantage for companies. However, in a challenging business environment it is always difficult to find the resources and commitment for long-term and transformational innovation – especially for projects that pay off only after […]

BASF Aims To Contribute To The Circular Economy Through Efficiency, Smart Waste Management

The director of the Applied Sustainability group of chemical manufacturer BASF, Talke Schaffrannek, recently presented the corporation’s plan, policies and direction of sustainability efforts to BASF employees and associates.  In her address at the recent CIEX conference, she explained BASF’s commitment to contributing to a more sustainable model of general economic activity. Specifically, the economic […]

Expert Advice on the Sourcing of Sustainable Chemical Feedstock

Each decade has its own set of well-loved, overused, business buzzwords. The 80’s gave us ‘low-hanging fruit’ and ‘bottom-line’, the 90’s ‘streamline’ and ‘leverage’, whilst the 2000’s gave us ‘synergy’. One of this decade’s top buzzwords is ‘sustainability’. But unlike most buzzwords, the word ‘sustainability’ is overused with good reason. That being that we live […]

Creating Opportunities from Raw Material Price Volatility

Volatile commodity and raw material prices are affecting every industry from chemicals, supermarkets to white goods, electronics and automotive. Volatile and unstable global markets have widespread implications for manufacturing organizations. From rising energy costs to unexpected fluctuations in raw material prices and currencies, unforeseen obstacles are threatening to destabilize supply chains and make it difficult […]

CIEX Europe 2016 – Video Highlights

We would like to thank all delegates who have attended CIEX Europe 2016 in Frankfurt. We hope you had a productive time at our event and went away with new ideas, insights and contacts that will help you stay ahead in this rapidly changing world of chemical innovation. Special thanks go out to our speakers, […]

After oil – where can chemicals come from?

For more than a century, petrochemicals have been the mainstay of the chemicals industry.  However, the great possibility that the era of oil is drawing to a close must drive research into renewable feedstock to fulfill their potential to replace oil. At the upcoming CIEX 2016 on Sep 28 – 29 in Frankfurt, Dr. Fabien […]

Can a new leadership culture drive innovation?

In an era of intense globalisation and accelerating technological progress, companies are recognising the value of innovation, putting it at the heart of their corporate culture. With this in mind, organisational goals are shifting and leadership requirements change. A modern leadership culture drives innovation from within. By fostering innovation through leadership, the chemicals industry can […]

Chemical Innovation: Lessons & Paths to Success at CIEX 2016

The chemicals industry is experiencing a shifting landscape and to succeed, they need to focus on innovating in these key areas: new product development, speed to market, sustainability, cost management and collaborative strategies. “We expect focused specialists and integrated players to prevail by deploying their successful business models on a global scale.  The business models […]