
Driving Sustainable Chemistry: Overcoming Challenges and Harnessing Opportunities in the Chemical Industry

Driving Sustainable Chemistry: Overcoming Challenges and Harnessing Opportunities in the Chemical Industry Speaker Interview with Joel Tickner from Change Chemistry   CIEX: Without giving too much away – what is the core message of your talk and what would you like delegates to remember? Joel: Commercialization and adoption of sustainable chemistry are challenging given the […]

Revolutionizing the Chemical Industry with Lubrizol

Revolutionizing the Chemical Industry: Interview with CIEX 2024 speaker –Abhishek Shrivastava, VP of Innovation & Decision Science, Lubrizol CIEX: Without giving too much away – what is the core message of your talk and what would you like delegates to remember? Abhishek: To continue to innovate in the chemical industry, we must work together and […]

Bridging the gap between idea and industry – BASF Venture Capital

How does BASF invest in global start-ups? Here is our summary of the presentation about BASF Venture Capital given by Markus Solibieda (Managing Director) during CIEX 2020 About BASF Venture Capital The vision at BASF venture capital is to catalyze changes for BASF and the whole chemical industry. The organisation is following a global capital […]